My current activities

Senior Researcher Associate at the ISTI Institute of the Italian National Research Council - Italy.

Technical Director of the "D4Science: DIstributed colLaboratories Infrastructure on Grid ENabled Technology 4 Science" project. The Technical Director (TD) has the responsibility of monitoring the day-by-day progress of the project's technical activities (i.e., technical aspects across the networking, service and joint research activities) and ensuring their proper interaction. The TD chairs the technical meetings useful for integrating the element where design and strategic technical recommendations across work packages are made to the Project Executive Board (PEB). In particular, the TD is responsible for detailed technical effort re-planning in the face of project deviations and for performing technical risks analysis and contingency planning. The TD chairs the PEB, is member of the Project Management Board (PMB), is member of the project members general Assembly (MGA), and is member of the Quality Assurance Task Force (QATF).

Workpackage leader of D4Science JRA1 WP - Overall Planning and Development Coordination. Objective of this work package is to identify in detail the technical activities that are needed to (i) meet the user communities' expectations in terms of innovative services provided by the infrastructure and (ii) consolidate and extend the gCube application framework iteratively to move towards a production quality level infrastructure satisfying the communities' needs. These activities will be planned and continuously monitored in the context of this work package and actually implemented in the rest of the JRA work packages.
The old ones

Technical Support Manager of the "DILIGENT Project" and gCube development to coordinate technical aspects across all activities (i.e., networking, service and joint research), and ensure that project management provides the proper level of support to all work packages. The engagement of the Technical Support Manager in multiple heterogeneous technical activities allows to provide detailed resource allocation and scheduling, while monitoring the time schedule and the timing of related activities. Morevoer the Techinal Support Manager operates as a close advisor to the Project Director who employs a high-level approach to the supervision of the project across activities.

Digital library architectural designer and information technology consultant of the "DRIVER Project" to contribute to the long-term journey towards the achievement of a Europe wide Digital Repository infrastructure, which follows the principle of linking users to knowledge. Driver represents the first step in an incremental process towards this vision through building a production quality testbed.

Digital library architectural designer of the "BELIEF Digital Library. This DL serves the needs of the BELIEF Community and its eInfrastructure researchers and industrial users that wish to keep up to date on existing projects, products & services and on the latest developments in eInfrastructures. This Digital Library represents the one stop shop where to access the multimedia documentation (e.g. deliverables, events reports, presentations, videos, manuals, on-line tutorials) and the very latest details in eInfrastructure related projects, initiatives and events.

Member of the "DELOS NoE" and co-author of the Digital Library Manifesto. Currently involved in the definiton of the Digital Library Reference Model and the Digital Library Reference Architecture.

Designer Architect and Technical Director of "OpenDLib: Open Digital Library Service System". The Technical Director participates to the definition and realization of new digital libraries built by exploiting the OpenDLib system. He monitors the activities and assures the provision of the proper QoS.

Member of "SCHOLNET Project: A Digital Library Testbed to support Networked Scholarly Communities". The research activity carried out in such contexts regards the study and the development of new functionalities for distributed digital library. Particularly multimedia data support, personalisation and cross-search retrieval are studied in digital libraries context.

Member of "Cyclades Project: An Open Collaborative Virtual Archive Environment".
The research activity carried out in such contexts regards the virtual organisation, management, and presentation of documents collections distributed managed and stored.

Member of "Progetto Dienst: progetto di infrastruttura per la realizzazione di un Sistema Informativo sperimentale per l'acquisizione, la gestione e l'accesso in rete geografica dei Rapporti Tecnici prodotti nei settori della Informatica e della Matematica Applicata".
The research activity carried out in such contexts was about:
(I) the study and the development of new functionalities for distributed digital library. Particularly mathematical formula representation, multilanguage aspects and automatic classification of documents were studied in digital libraries context;
(II) the study and development of tools for the acquisition, the searches and the administration of electronic documents in various formats.

Collaborator of the "ETRDL (ERCIM Technical Reference Digital Library) Project," 1997-1999: activity of the Working Group DELOS (Working Group - ESPRIT Long Term Research Program - LTR n.21057) - ERCIM Digital Library Initiatives. The research activity carried out in such contexts was about the management of Digital Libraries of heterogeneous nature. Multilingual graphical user tools were created to allow the acquisition, the searches and the administration of electronic documents in various formats.This activity was performed In the framework of the CNR/ERCIM/NCSTRL (USA) collaboration.

Member of the "ARCA (Access to Remote Catalogs via Z39.50 protocol) Project" - Libraries Programme Project, LIB-ARCA/2-3039), 1995-1997. The research activity carried out in such contexts was about:
(I) the study and the development of a system for queries validation to on-line public access catalogs via Z39.50 protocol;
(II) the study and the development of multilingual graphical tool to configure any ARCA Target System.